Tuesday, October 1, 2024


 A 'night of mixed metal' at Legends. Three new bands for me, and one old favourite. Sadly, though, Edinburgh fails to turn out tonight. Perhaps it's because there's other stuff happening, or just because the travelling bands are too unfamiliar. Who knows? Either way, there's only a handful of paying customers, which is a bit sad.

THE KRYSS TALMETH EXPERIENCE: Local stoners, doing what they do and doing it well despite the lack of crowd. I wonder if they rely less on audience reaction than the rest of the bands tonight?

VIDEO:   https://youtu.be/LFhZSzitBs4    https://www.facebook.com/KryssTalmeth

EPHEMERA: Noisy hardcore lads from Leeds. They do their best but, unlike TKTE, do seem to suffer from the lack of audience action. I imagine they would be unstoppable if there was a turbulent crowd flailing about in front of them. I'd guess that their singer would be out on the floor amongst us, if there was an 'us' to be amongst.

VIDEO:  https://youtu.be/tk-umV0RNKw   https://www.facebook.com/ephemeraukband

WORM HERO: Black metal/space-grind duo, out on the road with DOOMSDAY SUN. Visually quite striking and very odd, but clearly struggling with the lack of audience. I feel that their humour and their banter relies on feedback from the floor, and there's none of that tonight. They'd be great fun on another night. And their bass player looks like a vampire.

VIDEO:  https://youtu.be/JkW4n2dC7_U   https://www.facebook.com/eatitupwormhero

DOOMSDAY SUN: Not entirely sure how to define this lot. A bit sludgy, a bit doomy, a bit groove-y, a bit proggy... A 'mixed bag of metal', shall we say, with a fondness for songs about the Apocalypse. Not, it must be said, entirely serious. Once again, let down by the lack of crowd, but entertaining nonetheless.

VIDEO:   https://youtu.be/41LA3vnQEVw   https://www.facebook.com/doomsdaysun

Sigh. C'mon, Edinburgh, you can do better than this.

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