Hi there! Remember me? I know, it's been a while, but I'm back now. Easing back gently with a low-key show at the Wee Red, familiar faces all round.
BOARDGAME: Improv ambient electronica duo. Been a couple of months since I saw them last, with QUIET, THE ART in SUMMERHALL. They haven't changed significantly - still do their bleepy bloopy thing in the dark, in front of a screen showing trippy swirly stuff. It's pleasantly hypnotic, but nigh on impossible to photograph. Also, the audience talk loudly throughout and ruin any chance of a video so you'll just have to imagine it.
IDIOGRAM: Instrumental post-rock/prog loveliness. Not sure how many gigs Idiogram have played - I think this might be just their third since they began in 2019, ALL of which I have attended. It's been a long time since their last, with Covid, family stuff, etc, but they're back now, promoting a new single, and will surely be playing many, many more gigs in the near future. Yes. (Actually, they WILL be back soon for the proper album release gig)
Thanks to Lesley and the rest of the Idiograms for the lovely t-shirt.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/gJWWh-4wI5Y https://www.facebook.com/idiogram.band
QUIET, THE ART: Shoe-gazey post-rock duo, mostly instrumental with an occasionally singing drummer. It's good to get another chance to see them so soon after the previous gig, given the camera issues I had last time.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/nlVl_Q05wuo https://www.facebook.com/quiettheart
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