Out-of-towners absent from Edinburgh return after an unreasonable number of years. Sadly under-attended, possibly due to it being on a Thursday night in February.
Unfortunately, there will be no pics with this post, because they were shite. Too much smoke, hefty backlighting, cheap camera and lack of talent. So, just the videos, which also suffer from the above limitations...
GLASS CITY: Explosive local post-hardcore lads. They were supposed to be on second, but they had to leave early so swapped places with TOY HOSPITAL and buggered off home. They were dead good, though.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/lUweufTYs5s https://www.facebook.com/glasscitynoise
TOY HOSPITAL: Post-emo (is that a thing?) Fifers, back for what is, I think, only their second Edinburgh gig. Featuring new drummist Linzi, playing her first gig with them. The song in the video was released only on a charity compilation.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/zqh0Vl2s54I https://www.facebook.com/toyhospitalband
BROADSEA: Hefty alt-rock from Aberdeen. Not seen in the capital for some five years, it seems. Not seen by me ever, before now. Had to avoid being clobbered by the bass player a couple of times during the gig. Which was quite exciting. Video features a NEW SONG, but, to be fair, they're all new to me.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/lpkqPoNdulE https://www.facebook.com/broadseaofficial
ATLAS:EMPIRE: Glaswegian post/alt rockers, some(or all) of whom used to be in DIALECTS. First Edinburgh gig for seven years which, frankly, is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Try harder, lads. The sound on the video is a WEE bit broken, because they were VERY LOUD INDEED
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/Qm-a-6iRrwo https://www.facebook.com/atlasempire
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