432 Promotions bring an ambitious new multi-venue alt-heavy fest to Glasgow. Day 1 featured just the three bands, and kept itself to the main hall, getting us off to a gentle start. Heavier stuff to come, but here's what we were all calling 'Emo night'
FLINCH: Kicking off the Fest after a lengthy delay, and interrupted a few times by an unwelcome fire alarm, we have some pleasantly wistful indie-emo pop songs from this Glaswegian quartet. Never played a gig with a barrier before, apparently.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/gaLV_R4rjlc https://www.facebook.com/flinchmusicissad
JACK BROTHERHOOD: 'Glasgow's premier gay dad rock band', it seems, doing their sturdy emo thing.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/2x9VFpNTyuE https://www.facebook.com/JackBrotherhoodMusic
THE WORLD IS A BEAUTIFUL PLACE AND I AM NO LONGER AFRAID TO DIE: Emo royalty, celebrating the tenth anniversary of their 'Whenever, If Ever' album.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/P4AksLUy6I0 https://www.facebook.com/twiabp
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