Is it Black, or is it Death?
SIDIOUS: A couple of posts ago RAISED BY OWLS made some reference to the inherent silliness of metal. You may have seen the video. Anyway, with that in mind, here's SIDIOUS, a black metal band from London. Corpse paint, studded leather, songs about death and torture and war and plague and disease. They're all there. They do the black/death metal thing very well. The singer grimaces and snarls with the best of them. But, being honest, it's hard to take them seriously. Also, judging by the pics, this black metal lark is very hard on the knees...
WOE: On the other hand, New Yorkers WOE have more of an air of menace about them, perhaps down to the LACK of the standard black metal uniform, and the bass player who throws himself about with a lack of restraint rare within this genre. Sure, they're apparently as grim and humourless as you might expect, until a bass string is broken and some banter ensues. Singer Chris Grigg asks us to promise never to mention the fact that he smiled on stage, telling us that he knows where we live and he WILL hunt us down. Bring it on, Grigg, you'll never find me!
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