He's been away, and now he's back with a new project. Which was never meant to happen.
LEO BARGERY: Excellent solo performance from DAY SLEEPER/MT. DOUBT singer at the piano, somewhat marred by loud and persistent chat from the audience.
https://youtu.be/5fmVyCzj7LY https://www.facebook.com/leor.bargery
MAGPIE BLUE: Brilliant stuff. Emotional and, in her own words, 'brutally honest' songs from Millie, once again battling against the chat. So much so that she felt it necessary to politely ask for a little quiet. Which worked, for a short while.
Nice socks.
https://youtu.be/MT3yz0TWTRw https://www.facebook.com/magpieblueofficial
SCARRED LIP: This is a band which was never meant to happen. It was intended to be no more than a hobby project by local legend Matthew Bakewell, formerly of A FIGHT YOU CAN'T WIN, HALF FORMED THINGS, ETC, with drummer Edwin McLachlan. Tony Wright (VERSECHORUSVERSE/ex ASIWYFA) got involved, but personal issues forced him home to Belfast. Edwin went off to drum for YOUNG FATHERS. An EP had been written and recorded. CIARA joined the party on piano. Some chums pitched in on drums and bass, and suddenly they were an actual band. Gig followed.
The songs played here tonight draw together threads from all of Matthew's previous projects, woven together into something new, but recognisably Bakewell. They're different from the EP versions, re-imagined and re-arranged for-and by - the band. And they're magnificent.
You get a bonus video this time, as they were joined for one song by Magpie Blue, and it was too good not to share.
Scarred Lip don't do Facebook, but you can find Matthew here: https://www.facebook.com/MattPiecdobrze
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/dC1z3ButQOc
BONUS VIDEO: https://youtu.be/WMHeBnjf0l4