Monday, February 19, 2024


Out-of-towners absent from Edinburgh return after an unreasonable number of years. Sadly under-attended, possibly due to it being on a Thursday night in February.

Unfortunately, there will be no pics with this post, because they were shite. Too much smoke, hefty backlighting, cheap camera and lack of talent. So, just the videos, which also suffer from the above limitations...

GLASS CITY:  Explosive local post-hardcore lads. They were supposed to be on second, but they had to leave early so swapped places with TOY HOSPITAL and buggered off home. They were dead good, though.


TOY HOSPITAL: Post-emo (is that a thing?) Fifers, back for what is, I think, only their second Edinburgh gig. Featuring new drummist Linzi, playing her first gig with them. The song in the video was released only on a charity compilation.


BROADSEA: Hefty alt-rock from Aberdeen. Not seen in the capital for some five years, it seems. Not seen by me ever, before now. Had to avoid being clobbered by the bass player a couple of times during the gig. Which was quite exciting. Video features a NEW SONG, but, to be fair, they're all new to me.


ATLAS:EMPIRE: Glaswegian post/alt rockers, some(or all) of whom used to be in DIALECTS. First Edinburgh gig for seven years which, frankly, is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Try harder, lads. The sound on the video is a WEE bit broken, because they were VERY LOUD INDEED


Saturday, February 10, 2024


Those fine lads at RED CRUST - now including Eric Brock from local rock'n'roll combo EARL OF HELL- return with the year's first metal feast, the WINTER WARMER (Not to be confused with their GLASGOW Winter Warmer, which is an entirely different beast)

Now a regular feature of Edinburgh's metal calendar, it's a one day celebration of DEATH, THRASH, BLACKENED DEATH, PROGRESSIVE DEATH, DEATHENED THRASH, THRASHENED DEATH, etc, taking place in three venues - LA BELLE, the BANSHEE LABYRINTH and LEGENDS

I'm not going to try to give you genres for every band on the bill. I can't be bothered trying to separate the fine layers of metal, one from another. Let's just say they're all shades of death/thrash and leave it at that. If you need finer detail, look them up on Facebook or something.

HARBINGERS DRUM CREW:  A slightly abbreviated crew this time, perhaps due to a short notice call-up following the sad withdrawal of metal covers band POLYJAMORY, about which I was truly gutted. Oh yes.

Neither Death nor Thrash, by the way. Just drums.

HOLLOW TOMB: Locals, fairly new on the scene. Never seen them before, but no objections to seeing them again in the future. Suffered lightly from the early hour and lack of crowd.


KING ABYSS: From Stoke, apparently. Another new one to me. Singer performed heroically with a broken nose.


TYMVOS: Another local band, edging toward the 'black' end of the death/thrash spectrum.



HELLFEKTED: From a non-specified location in something called 'The Midlands'. The midlands of England, presumably. Except the one with the spotty guitar. She's Scottish.


HAMMER: Hefty locals. They do a song about trains. I didn't catch all of their set because I had to cut out to retrieve my car and bring it into town. Parking in Edinburgh before 6:30pm? Not without a bank loan...


IRON ALTAR: Back just in time to catch this, the heavy sound of Penicuik, which is NEARLY Edinburgh. Featuring new boy Greg Armstrong on bass, whom you might recognise as the singer of CODESPEAKER. Or you might not. Take my word for it.


BAEST: One of the diminishing number of overseas bands braving the horrors of post-Brexit travel, Danish thrash veterans BAEST


EXTORT: Closing things at La Belle, we have up and coming local melodic/progressive metal kids. They have the talent, they have the songs, they have the exotic dancers, but do they have that bit of luck that will take them to the top? 


Apologies go out here to all of the drummers - apart from those in HDC - who consistently fail to appear in the above photographs. This is due to the depth of the La Belle stage, the somewhat hostile backlighting and the heavy use of smoke, all of which conspire to make the drummers next to invisible.

Since I am very old and have a longish drive home, my time here is limited to 11:00, which means I can catch only one of the afterparty bands. I opt for the BANSHEE LABYRINTH, for no reason other than that it's nearer to where my car is parked. And so I get to see

goodhuman Heavyweights from Aberdeen, with a guitarist who seems to have turned up at the wrong gig.


That was that, then. Cheers to Duncan and Eric for having me along, all of the bands for playing and the crews for making it all work. Red Crust will be back in late March for their big three day Fest, featuring a host of rather impressive names. Which is nice.


 Another RED CRUST death metal evening in Edinburgh LINE-UP: TRILL : New local trio, doing some kind of blackened stoner-death thing. Random...