This was an odd one... Five very mixed bands, two of which I had no memory of until I looked back at my files, and another I am very familiar with, but that I had forgotten were even on this bill. Also, it was my birthday.
BRETHREN: One of the bands I had no memory of, prior to writing this. Turns out they were a Glasgow sort-of-doom trio, playing an unusual variation of a pretty conservative genre. Released an EP back in 2020, but haven't been seen since. Are they still a thing? I'd like it if they were.
NORTH STAR DESERTER: The other memory dodgers. Locals, describing themselves as 'ambient/post-rock', but I don't reckon that tells the whole story. What they were, exactly, I really couldn't say, but I liked them. They veered into GY!BE/Swans territory, with long-form improv songs. No sign of them since this gig. Internet searches turn up nothing beyond their old FB page and a VIC CHESNUTT album, which isn't really relevant.
BOSPHORUS: Glaswegian post-sludge trio. In a sad coincidence, Bosphorus called a halt on the very day I wrote this piece (20/10/2023). I shall miss them, especially Michael Wiseman's extravagant drum-faces.
WE CAME FROM THE NORTH: Classic quiet/loud/quiet/VERY LOUD post rock from local stalwarts. Whom I'd forgotten were even at this gig. Still active, after all these years, and working on new stuff. Hopefully.
There's no video from this gig, for some reason, but there are plenty others out there, should you require one.
HUNDRED YEAR OLD MAN: This is a hard one, because we lost guitarist Owen David Pegg in 2021. The band carries on, but not unchanged, and remains one of the finest post-metal bands in the country. Seeing them live was always a devastating experience, physically and emotionally, but even more so now.
They asked me to take down the video from this gig, and I was happy to do so.
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