A monthly club at the Banshee Labyrinth, offering a selection of rock'n'metal of all kinds.
SOLAR SONS: Hairy man-metal from Dundee. They've been around for ages and, consequently, know their trade inside out.Tight as the proverbial duck's cloaca.
DREAD PERSEPHONE: Not sure what to make of these lads... They LOOK like art school students playing at being in a band with a nu-metal singer. Several of them sport appallingly bad shirts. They SOUND like a progressive metal band, borrowing heavily from their dad's Tool-box. They play a couple of covers - RATM's 'Bullet in the Head and, indeed, Tool's 'The Pot'. They are a lot better than they look. They have a number of enthusiastic and dedicated fans who appear from nowhere when they start and vanish as quickly when they're done.
MAIN PRIMATE: From callow youths to grizzled veterans - the newest project of local legends Michael Branagh and Robert Fairfoull, with Hugh Duggie of Sons of the Descent/Foil and another fellow on guitar who I can't place, but I'm sure he's lovely anyway. He might have been in Lowlife. They do a grungy post-punk kind of thing and they're rather fine.
SOLAR SONS https://youtu.be/F4y8zcISRUM https://www.facebook.com/solarsonsofficial
DREAD PERSEPHONE https://youtu.be/6LZW-nC-ZG0 https://www.facebook.com/dreadpersephoneband
MAIN PRIMATE https://youtu.be/Cysg0_8Ik2g https://www.facebook.com/MPrimate20
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