An end, and a beginning.
Shoegaze veterans bow out after ten years with one last gig and one last album, and a new band is born.
signalweak_: Drew(guitar) and Kev(bass/synth) from Wozniak, doing their new synthy post-rock thing. They only play a short, three song set tonight, but it all looks good for the future.
CANAAN BALSAM: Eerie, understated synth drone, with poetry readings, a theremin, and a chap playing a saw. There isn't a video for this one, sadly, as they're so quiet that the recording is barely there. Which is annoying, 'cos they're really good.
WOZNIAK: OK, so this is it for Wozniak. One final gig, in their favourite venue.Classic swirly Wozniak shoegaze, wispy vocals, subdued lighting, that sort of thing. Songs from the beginning - El Maresme - and from the end - Star of the Sea - and all points between. Attendees are privileged to have witnessed the first, last and only live performance of the three songs from the new album, the aforementioned Star..., Black Polaroid and American Slang. Sarah thanks us all for our support over the last ten years. Guitars are dropped to the floor, and they're done.
Farewell Wozniak.
The end.