A real mixed bag, this one. Stew at Fuzz Bat Gigs hosts a diverse bunch of locals in a rather nice venue. It's a church, lovely acoustics, lots of natural reverb. Cold, though.
WE CAME FROM THE NORTH: Veteran post-rockers in what feels like the natural habitat of a post-rock band.
ALBERT SHAKESPEARE: Local jazz/math instrumentalists
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/Z-qXSQfD2MM https://www.facebook.com/albertshakespeareband
OPHANIM: Local progressive black metal duo, back in the old days before Ewan learned learned to sing.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/LdopWJDksuE https://www.facebook.com/OphanimBand
PUPPET MIDNIGHT: Our host for the night, in his solo sitty-down weird-punk story teller guise.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/2mOIRtvZ_9M https://www.facebook.com/PuppetMidnight