A real mixed bag, this one. A charity event at Bannerman's featuring local Post-rock, post-metal, and regular metal bands rising cash for mental health charities.
WE CAME FROM THE NORTH: Top class post-rock, heftier than many metal bands. Apologies for Iain's unfortunate use of the 'man-bun'
CODESPEAKER: Post-metal/post-hardcore mash up, with tonight's promoter, Duncan Mountain of RED CRUST filling in on bass. Duncan doesn't play bass.
HAMMER: Heavy metal.With a name like that, who'd've guessed?
RAZOR SHARP DEATH BLIZZARD: Punky metal.Definitely not Tory voters. Oddly, there's no video for them at this gig.
ANOMOS: 'Groove infused Deathcore'. Whatever THAT is.
WE CAME FROM THE NORTH https://youtu.be/A_zyYLekUgw https://www.facebook.com/WeCameFromTheNorth
CODESPEAKER https://youtu.be/h6aMopnBRB4 https://www.facebook.com/codespeakertheband
HAMMER https://youtu.be/F74UhQSKSLE https://www.facebook.com/HammerScotland
RAZOR SHARP DEATH BLIZZARD https://www.facebook.com/razorsharpdeathblizzard
ANOMOS https://youtu.be/kMp_hsd_e-g https://www.facebook.com/anomosbandofficial