OK, straight to the point. I generally dislike outdoor festivals.
I have been to a number of them in the past and, with one significant exception, found them to be uncomfortable, dull, and better avoided.
There are several reasons for my antipathy to the concept, not least the fact that I live in the UK, a country not noted for reliable Summer weather. It ALWAYS rains at UK festivals*. I find that slogging about a field ankle deep in mud and piss and shit detracts from the enjoyment of the music. And it's cold and it's windy. It's horrible.
(*At least, all the ones I have attended.)
Now, that's a personal thing. I'm at this notional festival to see the bands and hear the music. I'm probably there on my own. I KNOW that very many people immensely enjoy flopping around in mudslides, but I don't. I want to see the bands. I KNOW that very many people will be treating this festival as a social event, to go with or to meet friends and have parties around the camp fire, but I won't. I want to be left in peace to enjoy, if such a thing is possible, the music. I DON'T want to get so drunk I can't remember my own name. I DON'T want to try that pill, thanks very much. I DON'T want to go home with trench foot and food poisoning. I DON'T want to shit on a communal bog and feel other peoples' turds bobbing against my arse. Yes, I've been there.
'You're just a boring old fart', you say, and you're probably right. I'm NOT a party person. I don't want to have 'fun' at a festival. I want to lose myself in the music and forget how shit the world is for a while and I can't do that if I'm wet and filthy and need a piss so bad it hurts but it's too hard to get to the portaloo two miles away across the site and there's a huge queue anyway.
And camping. How awful is camping? It's uncomfortable, you have no privacy, and there's a good chance that your tent will be robbed, or set on fire, or thrown into the nearby river. If it doesn't get washed away in the floods.
Now, as with all rules, there was one notable exception. Which is, ultimately, the main reason I'm writing this piece.
I was, back in 2019, supremely fortunate to be invited to accompany the very wonderful HER NAME IS CALLA to the DUNK! Festival in Belgium. I'm not going to write at length about the festival itself - you can, if you want, read all about it on the ECHOES AND DUST website - but I have to explain the differences between that and every other outdoor fest I've been to*
(* Yes, I know only half of it was outdoors, but that's where I spent most of my time, so I say it counts.)
DUNK! 2019 was glorious. The weather was sublime throughout my stay there, calm and warm. The audience was respectful and appreciative. The natural forest setting was magnificent, the ground sloping gently up away from the stage, Everybody had a view. The sound was excellent, and wasn't being blown to oblivion by random blasts of icy wind.
I was allowed to be as isolated and asocial as I wanted. I could have an 'emotional moment' and nobody would care.
I saw some bands that I thought I'd never get to see, SHY, LOW from the States; ZHAO ZE from China playing their BIRDS CONTENDING album in full; GIFTS FROM ENOLA in the big tent. BOSSK played. And, obviously, Her Name is Calla. AND I GOT TO SLEEP IN A PROPER BED!
DUNK 19 was, and will probably forever be, my favourite ever festival experience. Taking absolutely nothing away from the likes of STRANGEFORMS, DAMNATION and the RED CRUST fests, I don't expect to be that lucky ever again.
HER NAME IS CALLA https://youtu.be/HuMPnByT4qg
ZHAO ZE https://youtu.be/MsjNzlAc6wc
SHY, LOW https://youtu.be/nw-OcC_aMBc